Tiara and justin
Tiara had a wonderful idea of having their beautiful French venue (Chateau Du Doux) on their save the date. We looked at the venue’s site and of course the Chateau is gorgeous, but their stone archway drew me in. I sent some ideas and Tiara and we settled on the idea of having both structures featured on the save the date with plenty of floral accents, of course. The floral feeling of the watercolor splashes on the back of the card is a nice subtle touch to the work as well.
You can see the process below of creating all the separate little paintings and then combining it all together in photoshop to make the final product shown at the top.
Congratulations to Tiara and Justin - I hope your wedding day is magical!
Front of Save the Date
Back of Save the Date
The arch - so beautiful! I wanted to give it solid structure so I used a ruler for parts of it. I also wanted it to have a loose watercolor feeling to it as well so there are some parts with more freedom.
I knew the Chateau would be fairly small on this piece and partially covered with florals and shrubbery etc. Therefore, I didn’t spend too much time perfecting the lines like I did the arch. Mostly focused on the overall coloring and architecture.
I usually do a lot of hand lettering practice for a piece, scan the page, and pick out the best ones for the final product. As you can tell there are lots of not-so-great attempts but eventually the perfect version emerges!
Similar to hand lettering, I make multiple different little pieces on one paper and pick the best one’s out once I’m in photoshop.